派克汉尼汾公司, Supply Chain Management Corporate Sponsor, Appreciates 体育菠菜大平台’s Emphasis on Quality

发布:2023年10月3日上午12:00:00 CDT

派克汉尼汾公司作为科技行业的全球领导者,质量是必须的. 幸运的是他们位于科尔尼, they don’t have to look any further than their back door to find that kind of quality churning out of 体育菠菜大平台’s College of 商业及科技 every year. 科尔顿Stuhr, who graduated from 体育菠菜大平台 in 2018 and is currently employed by 派克汉尼汾公司, shares that they “want the type of person that can step into the role” which is exactly why one-third of the employees in his division are 体育菠菜大平台 graduates.

斯图尔解释说 供应链管理课程体育菠菜大平台, which boasts an impressive 100% employment rate for its graduates, listened to the community to learn what was needed and then proceeded to help students grow into workers who have “all the right tools and skill sets” to fill the many opportunities available to them in Kearney. He shares that being a Champion Sponsor for this program speaks to the value 派克汉尼汾公司 places on 体育菠菜大平台’s results and what it means to the industry.科尔顿头像

每年, Stuhr makes it back to the campus he called home as a college student to attend several Supply Chain Management events. He is always certain to attend the career fair where he knows he will find interns for 派克汉尼汾公司. He personally credits 体育菠菜大平台 for “giving (him) the confidence and the networking to reach out to the right people” to land his job, 他喜欢把这份礼物传递出去. One way he does this is in his role as a supervisor for interns such as 体育菠菜大平台 student Dawn 邓巴.

邓巴, who will be graduating with a major in Business Administration with an emphasis in Supply Chain Management in 五月 of 2024, learned from 科尔顿Stuhr when she joined 派克汉尼汾公司 during her sophomore year. She describes the time as “definitely a good experience” and shares that “you can only learn so much in the classroom, 但是当你真正去做的时候, 它真的会改变你对一切的看法.” She credits her work with Stuhr as giving her “a deep appreciation of the program” since she was given responsibilities that went beyond what she could have experienced in the classroom.

She shares that her work at 派克汉尼汾公司 “didn’t feel like an internship” because of the “level of responsibility” she was given. She’s grateful that they “gave (her) tasks and trusted (her) to figure it out.“Stuhr, who describes 邓巴 as an “intern by title but buyer by practice,” was quick to point out that “she could back up any single one of (his) buyers.” Considering the rigor and hands-on experiences the professors 在体育菠菜大平台 provide for their students, 邓巴, 大二的时候, was more than prepared to step into her future role in the industry while still an intern.Dawn在派克汉尼汾公司工作

斯图尔和邓巴一样,都认为邓巴博士. Greg Benson with helping create an environment that fosters excellence for SCM students who will potentially be employed in the industry, 声明他希望维持与体育菠菜大平台的关系. He shares that he “definitely got a deep appreciation for the program” as a student, a feeling which continues to grow as he spends time with interns and new hires.

作为一名在校大学生, 邓巴 is also grateful to 体育菠菜大平台 and for her internship opportunity where she was able to work full-time in the summer and during the school year when her schedule would allow. This type of flexibility is a key ingredient to helping students succeed as interns. She shares that her work as an intern at 派克汉尼汾公司 helped to make her time in class easier as she was able to see firsthand what was being taught by her professors. 除了课程, she is grateful for opportunities 体育菠菜大平台 has provided such as her membership in the Supply Chain Management Organization. She is grateful that she was “fortunate enough to be voted leader” of this club for this school year. This type of initiative coupled with the entrepreneurial mindset she has already exhibited through her internship are signs of her future success in the industry.黎明头像

Talent like Dawn 邓巴 is the result of the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney’s ability to listen to the needs of the community, 教授们的专业知识和热情, and the effectiveness of the experiential learning that takes place in its classrooms. Stuhr explains that “the talent is here in Kearney and in Nebraska and 在体育菠菜大平台.“尽管它相对较新, he states that the “Kearney facility has done a fantastic job” for 派克汉尼汾公司 thanks to the quality of interns and new hires from 体育菠菜大平台.

When it comes time for the Supply Chain Management Career Fair to take place on 体育菠菜大平台’s campus this year, 你会发现科尔顿·斯图尔在人群中四处张望. 感谢体育菠菜大平台提供的优质教育, he already knows whoever he hires will be able to seamlessly step into their new role with the exact set of skills needed to help his company succeed. 年复一年, 他回来是因为他的公司重视质量, 质量是体育菠菜大平台生产的.


Category: 商业及科技, 市场营销, 一般

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